And a Black Powder Howdy! to one and all.  Above is an overall view of my Portugese Colonial Kropatchek, manufactured at the Steyr (Austria-Hungary) arsenal in 1886.  The actual designation of the rifle is a Portugese Steyr-Kropatchek, Model 1886/89 Colonial Long Rifle.  It is all original and all matching except the bolt, which matches itself.

Below are links to pages with the history and background of the Portugese Kropatchek I have came across, and others showing my pics of the various parts of my rifle and how to dissasemble the rifle, along with helpful hints on removing the brass tube magazine.

These pages were designed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 at 800x600 resolution.  I have tried to minimalize any viewing problems with Netscape browsers and at different resolutions, but in many instances, a compromise had to be made, so no matter what browser you use, there will be slight justificaiton of text hic-ups.

Rifles Homepage     Back to Rifles Homepage

Krop Info     Interesting Tidbits on the Krop (Not Up Yet)

Photos     Photo and Disassembly Pages

8x60R    The 8mm Guedes Round, aka Kropatchek (Not Up Yet)

Credits     Credits and References



Residence: Los Angeles County [near Orange County boarder], California, USA

The author retains all rights to any and all photos and they may not be used for profit without explicit, written permission from the author.

Last Updated 09/21/01